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2025-03-10 新品 0











有一次,一位年轻女孩走进了这间小书店,她手里拿着一本破旧的小说,对着它低声啜泣。她告诉李明,这本书曾经 belonged to her grandmother, who had passed away recently. She wanted to translate it into English so that she could share it with her friends and family abroad. Li Ming listened carefully and nodded his head, then took the book from her hands.

"Let me help you," he said softly.

With a smile, the girl handed over the book. And as she left the store, she heard Li Ming whispering something in English under his breath...

The next day, when she returned to pick up the translation, she found not only a perfect English version of the novel but also an additional note: "To my dear friend across the ocean..." It was signed by someone named 'S'. The girl looked at Li Ming in surprise but couldn't find any answer from him.

From that day on, whenever people asked about their secret relationship or how he managed to have such a profound understanding of language and culture, they would simply shrug their shoulders and say: "He is just one of those mysterious souls who can make us feel understood without needing words."

And so this enigma continued—Li Ming's existence remained as much of a mystery as ever before; yet his presence seemed more significant than ever for all those whose lives were touched by him through his work behind those silent screens filled with letters and symbols known as 'English'.

The End

标签: 蓝魔新品新品推荐秋装新品新品首发华为新品发布会2023