2025-01-11 企业动态 0
在上个世纪90年代,电脑是人们主要的办公、娱乐工具。如今,智能手机逐渐取代了电脑,成为大家离不开的终端设备。未来趋势会是怎么样的没有人知道,但或许智能手表会是下一个风口。苹果一直是颠覆科技行业的改变者,无论是当年乔布斯发布的iPhone4S、MacBook Air第一代,又或者是今年才刚刚亮相的VR设备——vision pro,都是划时代的产品。
但能够在短时间取代手机的产品,智能手表或许是一个方向。9月13日,苹果按照惯例也发布了新款Apple Watch 9系列。当时小编也是第一时间收看了官方直播,不得不说Apple Watch 产品每一代的颜值都很高,而且功能也很齐全,再加上iOS生态加持,如今苹果手机用户最好用的智能手表就是Apple Watch。但这里我想给大家泼一盆冷水,Apple Watch 9系列是一款很好用的智能手表,但我不推荐任何使用Apple Watch 5系列以上的用户购买。
在聊为什么我不推荐购买之前,我想先和大家聊聊我自己对于智能手表的看法。其实当初第一代Apple Watch 推出的时候,我并没有把它当做一款智能手表来看待,在我心中这只是一个很贵、很特别的大玩具而已。我让我想法出现改变的是 Apple Watch 5 系列发布时的一个功能,那就是全天候视网膜显示屏,这也是 Apple Watch 5 系列首发功能之一。
对于我来说,在smartwatch(智慧型腕带)不能完全取代手机和电脑的时候。在“smartwatch”这四个字中,我更在意的手表这两个字。手表代表什么?回归到handwatch(有触摸屏幕的手镖)的最初含义,无非就是看时间。但是在 Apple watch 之前所有产品都没有全天候视网膜显示屏功能,这就导致了我一直对这个product line 不感兴趣。但加入这个功能后,我随即就入手了 Apple watch Series 5,并且使用至今都没有更新换代。
没有更换新handwatch 的原因也是今天重点,那就是从 Apple watch Series to like Series to now, there has been no appearance of some substantial changes. Take the example of the new series, it is true that there have been upgrades but all these improvements are in terms of performance, battery life and interaction functionality only. I believe that most users who use smartwatches will initially feel fresh and interested in trying out various functions but after the honeymoon period, smartwatches will still revert back to their original purpose - time-keeping and recording exercise.
In conclusion if you're like me with a strong demand for smartwatches limited to time-keeping and recording exercise then upgrading your device isn't necessary at all. Conversely if you're using an older model such as Series Four or below then upgrading to the latest series would certainly improve your user experience. Lastly remember don't be cheap by buying an iPhone SE instead of going for a used handwatch from series five onwards!